Pipeliner CRM Salesforce Booster

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Salesforce Investment with Pipeliner CRM

  • Are you struggling with low adoption, high administration costs, and complex, time-consuming reporting with your Salesforce CRM platform?

  • But are hesitant to switch platforms due to the significant investment and potential business disruption?

  • Introducing the game-changing solutionSolution Solution is a combination of ideas, strategies, processes, technologies and services that effectively helps an organization achieve its goals or hurdle its challenges. from Pipeliner CRM that addresses these challenges without any risk to your business!

We Coexist With Your Existing Salesforce Installation!

Pipeliner CRM Salesforce Booster White-paper download

Pipeliner CRM seamlessly integrates with your existing Salesforce setup, allowing you to leverage your current investment while enjoying the benefits of a more userUser User means a person who uses or consumes a product or a service, usually a digital device or an online service.-friendly, cost-effective, and efficient CRM system. Our innovative Salesforce Booster enables you to:

  • Reduce the number of Salesforce licenses needed, replacing them with less costly Pipeliner licenses which your sales team will love using.

  • Leverage all the work done in Salesforce, with no need to change architecture, fields, processes, or reports.

  • Enjoy easy administration and a visual, intuitive interface that your team will appreciate.

  • Click here to schedule a demo

„Pipeliner has been game-changing for my sales team. I love how easy it is to change the fields to accommodate our goals and the information we need to capture. The reporting tool is so easy to work with, I have used other CRM’s and this has to be the most user-friendly program I have ever used.“

Denise Schmidt, First Tactical
Headworks International quote

„We have found that the ease of use with Pipeliner is orders of magnitude better than Salesforce, the CRM we had before. The clarity of dataData Data is a set of quantitative and qualitative facts that can be used as reference or inputs for computations, analyses, descriptions, predictions, reasoning and planning. and how easily visible it is has made a huge difference in our process.“

Imran Jaferey • Vice President—Global Sales • Headworks International

Immediate Cost Savings and Increased Productivity

By deploying Pipeliner CRM on top of your existing Salesforce solution using our Booster, you can:

  • Save money immediately by replacing expensive Salesforce licenses with more cost-effective Pipeliner CRM licenses

  • Minimize technical requirements and demands on IT staff, with deployment possible in just hours

  • Experience minimal business interruption, as the Pipeliner system can be learned in a few hours

Pipeliner CRM connects with existing Salesforce solution

Drive Greater Visibility, Forecast Accuracy, and Sales Performance

With Pipeliner CRM, you can  

  • Enjoy greater visibility into revenueRevenue Revenue is the amount of money a business generates during a specific period such as a year or a quarter; also called sales. and increased forecast accuracy

  • Benefit from better sales performance management and coaching

  • Stay ahead of the curve with monthly feature and functionality updates, as well as our market-leading AI for Sales component, Pipeliner Voyager AI

Accuracy for sales forecast and sales performance visibility
Empowering The Entrepreneurial Spirit of Salespeople

No Need for Expensive Certified Admins

Pipeliner’s backend is designed to be intuitive and easy to administer, eliminating the need for costly certified admins. Your team will appreciate the ease of use and the ability to focus on what matters most – driving sales and revenue growth.

No longer paying for multiple, costly, certified Salesforce admins immediately decreases the total cost of ownership (TCO).

Empowering The Entrepreneurial Spirit of Salespeople

Realize a Greater Return on Investment (ROI) from Your Salesforce Investment

By switching to Pipeliner CRM, you can  

Increase usage and productivity, leading to a greater ROI from your Salesforce investment  

Example: Pipeliner CRM’s user-friendly interface can save each salesperson at least one hour per day compared to Salesforce. For 350 users, this equates to 7,000 hours saved monthly. At a rate of $50 per hour, this results in $350,000 saved per month or $4.2 million annually in productivity gains.

Enjoy a more cost-effective and efficient CRM system that your sales team will love to use  

Example: Company has 1000 Salesforce licenses and 350 are for the sales team that finds the system difficult and unproductive. Salesforce unlimited licenses cost $3960 per person per year, totaling $1,386,000 for 350 users. Switching to Pipeliner CRM licenses, which cost $630,000 for the same 350 users, saves nearly $756,000 annually or about $2.2 million over three years.

See how easy it is to use the Salesforce Booster…
CRM system integration with Salesforce booster

The Pipeliner CRM Salesforce Booster

A Game-Changer for Your Business

Our innovative Salesforce Booster is more than just an integration – it’s a unique solution built exclusively for Salesforce.

By sitting on top of Salesforce, we’ve created a seamless and efficient way to leverage your existing investment while enjoying the benefits of a more user-friendly, cost-effective, and efficient CRM system.

  Click here to schedule a demo.

Cost-effective CRM system with Salesforce booster

Why use Pipeliner CRM with Salesforce?

To increase Effectiveness, Productivity, and Reduce Costs
With Pipeliner CRM, you can  

Nikolaus Kimla CEO Pipeliner CRM

„Unlock the true potential of your Salesforce investment without replacing it. With Pipeliner CRM, you can seamlessly integrate our powerful sales tools with your existing Salesforce setup. Your team will be amazed at how quickly they can start leveraging Pipeliner’s incredible benefits to drive more revenue and close more deals.

It’s the best of both worlds — combining the investment you have put into Salesforce with the game-changing features of Pipeliner CRM.

And you save money with some less expensive licenses!“

Nikolaus Kimla • Founder & CEO • Pipeliner CRM

Pipeliner CRM Salesforce booster whitepaper

Pipeliner CRM Salesforce Booster

  • Solves Salesforce adoption, ROI & usability issues
  • Pipeliner CRM sits on top of Salesforce coexisting
  • Increases Efficiency: intuitive design drives adoption and productivity
  • Delivers Cost Savings: e.g. replacing 350 Salesforce licenses could save $756,000/year
  • Quick Deployment: deploys in hours, minimizing business interruption
  • Enhanced Sales Performance: improves revenue visibility & forecast accuracy
  • No Expensive Certified Admins: backend is as intuitive as frontend