“This is the best CRM, and is extremely nimble and customizable”
Rodney Mogen, Director, Mogen Consulting
What business issue(s) was Mogen looking to solve with a CRM?
- Business insights
- Calendar sharing
- CustomerCustomer Customer is an individual or an organization that purchases a product or signs up for a service offered by a business. tracking
How did Pipeliner CRM meet Mogen’s business needs?
It met them perfectly with the ability to create different pipelines for different products. It is customizable to our needs, and as a small business this is valuable and extremely important.
Why did you ultimately select Pipeliner CRM?
Met with Pipeliner CEO Nikolaus Kimla and loved what he had to say and how it was adaptable.
How is Pipeliner CRM helping the Mogen team?
Greater clarity and efficiency
What are some of Mogen favorite features?
- Scheduling tool
- AccountAccount Account refers to a record of primary and background information about an individual or corporate customer, including contact data, preferred services, and transactions with your company. Health
- Overall visual nature of productProduct Product refers to anything (an idea, item, service, process or information) that meets a need or a desire and is offered to a market, usually but not always at a price.
Learn More About Pipeliner CRM
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