What was the original purpose of sales?
What kind of mindset do we need to reestablish to align with their original goals?
How do we elevate salespeople to engender the respect that professionals such as firefighters generate?
„We all have a purpose in life, and when you find yours you will recognize it.“
The Fundamentals
Sales had its origins in the exchange of goods, before the time of currency.
If a person had something that someone else wanted they successfully traded if both were satisfied that the goods being exchanged were somewhat equal in value.
BuyerBuyer A buyer is an individual or organizational entity that purchases a product or subscribes to a service. Preferences
Salespeople must have a good grasp of who they are selling to with regard to preferences.
Such preferences can be driven, for example, by demographics, taste, and culture. Salespeople must understand such preferences to sell successfully.
Creating Allies
When you truly service a customerCustomer Customer is an individual or an organization that purchases a product or signs up for a service offered by a business., they become an ally that promotes, refers, and provides positive reviews becoming a multiplier for your business.
This will only work, however, when you are selling something that the person can really use and which truly benefits them.
Quid Pro Quo
The buyer has a perception of value for money and this is what the seller must demonstrate. In simple terms, we are creating a situation of quid pro quo, which is Latin for “something for something.”
Your customer is exchanging money for something of equal value.
Salespeople need to understand concepts such as those of the Austrian School of Economics.
For example, Opportunity Cost (how much will the company invest in an opportunity) and Sunk Cost (money already invested in the Opportunity).
Sales Tools
Today anyone not utilizing effective technology for selling will be lost.
But it’s crucial to understand that at the same time, humans and technology must function in harmony—technology alone will not make a successful salesperson.
As knowledge, products, and services change hands, partners are created. Partners will not be in conflict, will they?
That’s one principle of trade that is often missed: in the presence of freely conducted trade, conflict does not occur.
Honest & Integrity
When a salesperson is violating their principles—not providing value for the money, saying one thing and doing another—they have violated the foundational principles of sales.
Part of our mission is to restore those principles.
Bringing The Positive Back To Sales
When a salesperson and a prospect have agreed on a winning situation for both of them, they have created a great foundation. This can be seen on a larger scale, where individuals, groups, or governments who have agreed to trade or purchase goods from one another cannot simultaneously be in conflict.
Traits of Successful Salespeople
Finding That Meaning
Some people seem to think that finding meaning in life is difficult or needs to result in some grandiose outcome. The reality is that people find meaning in many different ways — to be the best parent or to diligently serve clients, for example — in other words, it can be whatever you want it to be, you just need to identify it and name it.
Focus on what you enjoy and what you are good at because that usually brings the most satisfaction and meaning. And companies should focus on developing core strengths and not fixating on perceived weaknesses as many do.
Do what you love doing, and do it well. Go there, and you will find your meaning.