January 30th, 2025
We are happy to announce our newest release of Pipeliner CRM.
This release includes another exciting batch of new features for our app and other improvements to existing functionality.
Please note that some of these features are only available for our Business, EnterpriseEnterprise Enterprise (in the context of sales) is a relatively large organization typically composed of multiple levels, locations, and departments which need multi-layer software systems that support collaboration across a large corporate environment., or Unlimited Tiers.
Voyager AI › Document Summary & Chat
This release brings the power of AI to documents stored in Pipeliner. Users can now summarise the contentContent Content refers to a material or document released in various forms (such as text, image, audio, and video) and created to inform, engage or influence specific audiences. of selected documents or, for example, ask the Document AI to sum the total of several selected invoices.
The AI Tools for Documents button is available from:
- Record Detail › Documents Tab
- Document Manager
- Documents Drill-downs
- Email Detail › AI menu — Document summary only
Document(s) Summary
- This option creates a summary of the selected document(s).
- The AI-created summary is stored in the Pipeliner database which reduces the amount of requests.
- Users can select any number of documents, all will be processed one by one within a single window.
- The provided summary or summaries can be saved as a PDF, Task, Appointment, Note, or sent as an email.
There are some limitations:
- The summarise feature works on “PDF | CSV | DOC | DOCX | XLS | XLSX | HTML | TXT | MD“.
- There is a maximum size of 4.5 MB per document file.
- 3.75MB per image (MAX resolution › 8000px x 8000px).
Ask Documents(s)
- Select the documents you want to know more about and then Ask the AI what what you want to know.
- The Chat uses history, so the answers are contextual-based.
- Users can clear the Chat anytime to reset the context.
- Users can use also “Speech to Text” to avoid typing.
Limitations are displayed if you exceed them.
NOTE: The AI decides if the file is processable, so it could happen that the output of the AI will be an error.
Check our Knowledge Base article to get more information about Voyager AI › Document Summary & Chat ›
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Online Forms › Create/Update Multiple Related Records
Experience Pipeliner CRM Now
Online Forms Update: New Features for Managing Related Records. The latest Online Forms update introduces exciting new features and improvements to streamline your workflow and enhance dataData Data is a set of quantitative and qualitative facts that can be used as reference or inputs for computations, analyses, descriptions, predictions, reasoning and planning. management. Previously, the responses from an “Online Form” could create, or link to, a single entity. This brilliant enhancement now allows you to link to/create a primary record and link to or create one or more related records at the same time.
A common example of how helpful this will be is to consider an “Online Form” designed as a “Contact Us” form embedded on your website. You will now be able to create a LeadLead Lead refers to a prospect or potential customer (who can be an individual or organization) that exhibits interest in your service or product; or any additional information about such entity., a related primary Contact and a related primary AccountAccount Account refers to a record of primary and background information about an individual or corporate customer, including contact data, preferred services, and transactions with your company. from a single form submission!
Simplified “On Form Submit” Tab
- We’ve reorganized the “On Form Submit” tab into three clear sub-tabs: Primary Records, Related Records, and Options. This change makes it easier to find and adjust your form settings.
Work with Related Records Without Automatizer
- Now you can effortlessly work with related records directly within Online Forms, eliminating the need for Automatizer.
Set Up Related Record Identification
You can now identify related records based on answers provided in the online form. This allows you to:
- Create new related records.
- Update existing related records.
- Link identified records to primary records (respondent records).
“On Form Submit” Sub-Tabs
Primary Records
This tab contains settings focused on primary records.
- We’ve updated the visuals and converted info-boxes into helpful tooltips.
- A new “Link Record” setting has been added for clarity.
- Remember that “Link” and “Update Record” switches are mutually exclusive.
Related Record Actions
This brand-new tab introduces functionality to:
- Identify existing records and link them to the primary record.
- Update existing related records and link them to the primary record.
- Create and link new related records to the primary record. Each section has a tooltip for guidance and represents a specific action that will be applied to the record.
This tab houses settings that are not directly related to creating or updating records, such as:
- Automatically attach files.
- Attach form response to the record as a PDF.
- Send email notifications.
Related Records Options
Each section within the Related Records tab offers settings like:
- Entity/Relation selector.
- Create Record Form.
- Update Record Form.
- Record identification button.
Record Identification
- Match Online Form Fields with Record Fields › Set up record identification by matching fields from the online form to fields within the record.
- Multiple Record Identification › If multiple records are identified, choose whether to apply the action to all or only the best match.
- Required Settings › When you place an Entity/Relation under an action, you must configure all related options (Create Form, Update Form, and Record Identification).
Additional Updates
- Record Identify Tab › This tab has been visually refreshed.
- Create and Update Record Forms › These forms now allow for personalization using fields from the primary record owner, including setting the owner of related records.
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Online Forms › File Upload (Enhanced)
This release brings enhancements to the document upload feature via “Online Forms“. We’ve made it easier for users to link uploaded files directly to records in Pipeliner.
Manual File Attachment
When the userUser User means a person who uses or consumes a product or a service, usually a digital device or an online service. opens response detail in “Feeds“, there are two new options:
- Attach Files to Record
- Quick Attach
These options are also available when response(s) have been selected in the “Form Summary“.
Attach Files to Record
- Opens a window that allows users to manually select files and choose which record(s) to link them to.
- All files that were uploaded with the response will be listed.
- If the primary record is identified, it will be pre-selected (Unknown responses will not have records pre-selected).
- Users will click on “Save” to attach the selected files to the selected records.
Quick Attach
- This options skips the record selection and attaches the files on one click.
- All files from the response will be linked to the identified primary record.
- A warning window will pop-up to warn the user that the linked files will be visible to everyone with access to the record.
Document Drilldown
- From the “Show Files” Document drilldown, the user can choose manual file attachment.
- Drilldown also includes information where the files came from:
- Linked Record Type › Online Form
- Linked Record Name › Online Form Name
Automatic File attachment
If files uploaded by respondents to an online form, should be automatically linked to related records, this option can be enabled in the “Online Form Settings“. When this option is enabled, the attached files will be visible in the “Documents” tab of the related record. Users can still manually link the files to different records using the “Attach Files” to “Record” button.
Documents Tab on Record Detail
When files are attached to a record either automatically or by using the “Quick Attach” button, a folder structure is created in the “Document” tab. The folders are created under the same entity as the respondent record, for example, the “Online Form” has “Contact” as the “Primary Record” type, therefore all respondents to this online form are “Contacts” and the “Online Form” folder is created under “Contact” in the “Documents” tab
If the user attached files to a record manually (using “Attach Files to Record” button) these files are treated the same as any other attached document and will be included in the standard root folder not in the “Online Form” folder
If the “Document Management” tool is not turned on, no folder structure is visible and the uploaded files are shown directly in the grid.
Document Management tool
Users can also see files uploaded via “Online Forms” in “Document Management“. Files are located under the primary record type in the online form in the folder with the online form name.
If you rename the “Online Form“, this change is also reflected in the folder.
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Online Forms › Custom Entities & Quotes as Primary Record Type
In another major enhancement to “Online Forms“, it is now possible to base Forms on both “Custom Entities” and “Quotes” (as well as Accounts, Contacts, Leads or Opportunities).
When creating the “Online Form“, users can now select “Custom Entities” or “Quotes” as the “Primary” record type.
Online Form links can be personalised to link it to a specific “Custom Entity” or “Quote” record.
Questions, as well as “Create Record Form” and “Update Record Forms“, can also be personalized with fields from “Quote” entity or the chosen “Custom Entity” including the fields of related entities.
Unknown responses can be manually linked to the “Quote” or “Custom Entity” record (if they were selected as primary record types during Online Form creation).
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Reporting on Emails
We are adding the ability to create spreadsheet and pivot table reports based on a newly accessible “Email” entity. Previously it was necessary to report on emails linked to “Contacts” (or “Accounts”) but now you can start a report based on Emails regardless of where they are linked. This now gives you the option to produce reports to analyse how many emails sent to or received by each user.
For spreadsheet reports, you can also add available related entities to your email report. Choose from:
- Lead
- Opportunity
- Account
- Contact
- Project
- Quote
- Custom Entities
It is highly recommended for spaces with a lot of email communication to use filter settings to reduce loading time.
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Default Tags per Entity Form Type
This release makes it possible to specify which tags should be available for selection by users when using specific forms. For example, some tags might only be relevant when using a “CustomerCustomer Customer is an individual or an organization that purchases a product or signs up for a service offered by a business.” type of “Account” and not when using a “Prospect” type.
Admins can choose whether a tag is available for “All Types” of form for the entity or “Selected Types“.
The “Bulk Update” action can be used to update more than one tag at the same time. This will update all tags including those that are inactive.
If a user has the ability to create “Tags” for an entity, they will also be able to select which “Form Type(s)” the new tag should be available for.
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Default Task Activity per Entity Form Type
In order to streamline activity management, Admins can now associate specific task and/or appointment types with selected “Entity Form Type(s)“.
The enabled activity types apply across all relations including in “Lookup” fields. A record must be selected or opened in order to create the tasks. Should there be no activity types enabled for an entity form, the user will receive a message that “No activity types allowed for this record type”.
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Various Improvements
As part of our ongoing usability enhancement program, we’ve updated the following features.
Admin › Record Detail Interface Setting for Custom Entities
The interface for “Custom Entities” can now be customised in the same way as the system entities. Admins can hide “Tabs” or “Widgets” from “Entities › {Custom Entity} › Interface › {Custom Entity} Detail“.
Reports › Ability to show comments on Activities
We have added “Comments” to “Activity Reports“, so now the user can see the last comment or all comments in the report table (standard table).
Comments are available in:
- Visible columns
- Group by columns
- Charts
- Filter
Reports › Grouping Mode in Tables
Like in Charts, the user can change the grouping mode from “Combination” (our default grouping behavior) to “Values” (standard table only).
NOTE: Depending on the grouping option selected, a single record can be shown within each group only once and can also be shown once in all groups.
Conditional Formatting › Pivot Report
Users can now add conditional formatting to the values in “Pivot” table reports. Note that only fields used in “Rows“, “Columns” and “Values” in the report can be used.
Outlook Add-in › Optional Attendees Support
Optional attendees are now supported by the Outlook addin.
Activities › Calendar View › Editable All-Day section in Activities
These improvements enhance user navigation and ensure all activities are easily accessible:
- Expanded All-Day Section › The default size now shows more events for better visibility.
- “Show More” Indicator › A clear “Show More” button appears when activities exceed the visible limit and clicking opens a popover with all hidden activities for the day.
- All-Day Popover › Displays all activities for the selected day, auto-adjusts to fit the number of activities, with scrolling enabled for longer lists and includes a header, close button, and drag-and-drop functionality for easier management.
Approval Process › Comments Bubble Improvement
With this update we tried to simplify access to approval process comments, making them easier to manage and respond to, improving efficiency across approval workflows.
- Interactive Comment Icon › the comment icon now features hover and click functionality, providing a clearer and more intuitive interaction.
- Detailed Comments Popover › clicking the icon opens a popover, allowing users to easily view, read, and interact with rejection comments.
- Improved Accessibility and Usability › the popover supports scrolling, formatted text, and copying, making it seamless to handle longer, detailed comments.
- Consistent Design and Clarity › clear commenter attribution and cohesive styling ensure a more user-friendly and professional experience.