Here you can find Pipeliner CRM Release Notes related to the specific version and productProduct Product refers to anything (an idea, item, service, process or information) that meets a need or a desire and is offered to a market, usually but not always at a price. type. Browse all enhancements and updates.
October 11th, 2018
Brand New CSV Import, Dashboard Charts, Compact View Enhancements and more (v1.2.0)
Pipeliner CRM 1.2.0 brings Google Apps integrations into Pipeliner CRM as well as improvements for Units and UserUser User means a person who uses or consumes a product or a service, usually a digital device or an online service. Roles administration and brand new Dashboard Charts. Read More
October 4th, 2018
Brand New Dashboards 3.0 Performance Graph, Tips and Tricks, Favorites and more (v1.1.0 Mobile)
We are happy to announce the Pipeliner CRM Mobile App v1.1.0 of Pipeliner CRM. This release includes even more features from the desktop version, many mobile-related features, and stability fixes. Introducing Dashboards 3.0 Performance Graph, Don´t get bored during Sync! We added some useful Tips and Tricks, new mobile features. Read More
September 27th, 2018
Improved Global Search, List View, Call, Log, Accounts and Contacts, Leads and Opportunities Enhancements and more (v1.1.0)
Pipeliner CRM 1.1.0 introduces Bubble Chart View, Quick view for your Leads and Opportunities as well as detailed fitness information. Read More
Let Us Introduce You To Pipeliner CRM
We look forward to showing you how Pipeliner CRM helps empower sales to maximize revenueRevenue Revenue is the amount of money a business generates during a specific period such as a year or a quarter; also called sales..
We will guide you through the product and present all the benefits.